Presentations cluster meetings and webinars

2022-06-30 (webinar)
2021-03-25 (webinar)
2020-03-25WIC_Webinar_FULLHR.pdf (22 MB)

Presentations of the WIC webinar on the current status and planned initiatives for H2 in Europe (FCHJU), PEM fuel cell products, solutions and applications (Nedstack) and GO’s for hydrogen, CertifHy 3 project (Hinicio)

2021-01-28 (webinar)
2021-01-28WIC_webinar.pdf (7 MB)

Presentations on the WIC webinar on the results of the hydrogen import coalition and the role of green molecules and Carbon Capture and Utilisation in the energy trasition by ENGIE

Presentatie (15 MB)

De videobeelden van de meeting kunnen herbekeken worden via deze link.

2016-03-27 pre kick-off
