Position papers WaterstofNet
Belgian Hydrogen Council - Renewable Energy Directive III (2024)
Key considerations for the implementation of the RFNBO
sub-targets in Belgium
Belgian Hydrogen Council - Memorandum for hydrogen (2023)
Executive summary
Recommendations for the 2024-2029 legislature
Hydrogen and certification (2022)
Position paper in relation to the certification of hydrogen in Belgium
Vlaams Waterstofdecreet (2022)
Input Waterstof Industrie Cluster
Position Paper (2022):
Why Investments in Renewable Hydrogen Should be
Considered as Facilitating the Energy Transition and Hence Qualify for the
Energy Investment Deduction.
Hydrogen and Additionality (2022)
Position paper in relation to delegated act RED II Art. 27.3
23 sep.
Schrijf je in voor de vijfde editie van de Hydrogen Academy in Antwerpen - 6 maandagavonden (sept.-nov 2024)
Na het succes van de voorbije jaren is de Hydrogen Academy in Antwerpen alweer aan haar vijfde editie toe. Het concept ...
24 okt.
Conference Belgian Hydrogen Council: "Building the EU hydrogen value chain, with Belgium at its heart": Register now!
At this conference, a number of Belgian and international speakers will give an update on what has been achieved during ...