Power-to-Gas Conference, May 7th 2018, Horta Antwerp

'From Renewables to Hydrogen: Results and Outlook’

The Power-to-Gas conference held at Horta, Antwerp on Monday the 7th of May was a successful event. There was a high turnout with more than 200 attendees, of which 75% came from industry. The public gathered lots of new insights on the latest technology and international experiences with regard to the main theme of the conference: ‘from renewables to hydrogen’.

 photo report


Opening address
Bert De Colvenaer; Chairman Board WaterstofNet

‘Flemish industrial cluster policy’
Annie Renders; Head of Unit Cluster Policy at Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (Agentschap Innoveren en Ondernemen/VLAIO)

‘Flemish Power-to-Gas cluster and developments in Flanders and the Netherlands’
Isabel François and Adwin Martens; Project Manager and Director at WaterstofNet

‘European developments in electrolyser technology; technical and economic outlook’
Nikolaos Lymperopoulos; Project Officer at Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) 

'Power-to-gas perspectives for Colruyt Group’
Jonas Cautaerts; Business Developer at Colruyt Group

‘Experiences with power-to-gas technologies in international projects’
Filip Smeets; Managing Director On-site Generation at Hydrogenics Europe N.V.

‘Hydrogen storage and transport via LOHC as key vector to enable sectoral integration’
Dominik Herzog; Business Developer Manager at Hydrogenious Technologies GmbH  

‘The Green Hydrogen Economy in the Northern Netherlands’
Ad van Wijk; Professor Future Energy Systems at Technical University of Delft


‘Green hydrogen in industry and energy applications’
Eric Klein; Head of Sales and Project Management at Siemens
‘EU Legislative framework for implementation of hydrogen in different applications’
Nicolas Brahy; Director at Hydrogen Europe

'Hydrogen and breakthrough technologies in the chemical industry’
Pierre Barthélemy; Executive Director Innovation at European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic)   

‘Vision of Engie on the role of hydrogen in the future energy market’
Caroline Hillegeer; Director Strategy and Technology Prospection at Engie

‘Sunshine project: Hybrid energy storage for solar and wind energy at Terranova Solar’
Noël D’Hondt; Project Manager at Aertssen
Rocio Nallim; Project Manager at Total-Gas Renewables & Power, R&D, France
Jan Desmet; Professor Renewable Energy at University of Ghent

‘From Waste to Wheels: Garbage trucks fuelled by hydrogen from waste energy’
Ben Cornelis; Project Advisor at E-trucks
Olivier Opsomer; Manager Production & Maintenance at ISVAG
Eric Gosseye; Business developer Hydrogen & Energy generation at Tractebel

Closing speech by Philippe Muyters, Flemish Minister of Work, Economy, Innovation and Sports


About the Cluster

About 30 companies have gathered in the cluster and have been selected for financial support in the framework of the Innovative Industry Cluster Flanders of the Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Flemish Government. The partnership is coordinated by WaterstofNet. Members are active in renewable energy, hydrogen or gas technology, hydrogen mobility (fuel cell applications) or network operations (gas and electricity network). 
