15 juni 2023
Netceed (Amadys)
Amadys is market leader in the distribution of passive equipment for telecom, electricity, water, gas & industry. We have a strong local presence in Belgium, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Austria and Slovakia.Becoming climate neutral by 2050: that’s what the European Union is aiming for. The energy transition required for this goes from materials and components to the level of complete energy systems. At Amadys, we are taking small steps every day towards the distribution of 100% green power and renewable energy. Our organisation has a strong believe that the input of hydrogen will contribute in an intense way to this target.
23 sep.
Schrijf je in voor de vijfde editie van de Hydrogen Academy in Antwerpen - 6 maandagavonden, najaar 2024
Na het succes van de voorbije jaren is de Hydrogen Academy in Antwerpen alweer aan haar vijfde editie toe. Het concept ...
24 okt.
Conference Belgian Hydrogen Council: "Building the EU hydrogen value chain, with Belgium at its heart": Register now!
At this conference, a number of Belgian and international speakers will give an update on what has been achieved during ...