Roadmaps and studies WaterstofNet
Hydrogen as a storage medium
Power-to-gas Roadmap study
The "Power-to-Gas" study project, funded by the Flemish Government and Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO), included the implementation of a roadmap study. With leading Flemish industrial partners, the various technology and valorisation processes in the field of 'Power-to-Gas' for Flanders were mapped for the period 2014-2020. An exercise that was closely linked to the European timeline of Horizon 2020 and the ambitions of the FCH-JU (Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking).
In the roadmap study a number of different power-to-gas options have been analyzed for economic feasibility and it has been determined how the Flemish industry can play a strong role in this future market.
Crucial in the power-to-gas concept is the way in which the hydrogen produced can best be valorised. The following processes were investigated:
- injection into the existing natural gas network or hydrogen network
- create electricity via a fuel cell
- supply to hydrogen filling stations for vehicles
- convert it to synthetic methane with CO
The roadmap study 'Power-to-Gas' for Flanders aimed to:
- Defining business models per valorisation process
- Formulating development perspectives (technological / economic) per valorisation process for 2014–2020 and a look ahead to 2020–2050
- Translating the results into a Flemish program on "smart specialization" in line with European ambitions
- The inventory of legal aspects, barriers and requires support for implementation
- Defining the value chain with concrete implementation by companies of business clusters for this market per valorisation process
Hydrogenics -
Colruyt Group -
WaterstofNet -
Umicore -
Fluxys -
Elia -
Full report Executive summary Eindrapport - samenvatting (NL)
Webinar PPT / Video
Waterstof Industrie Cluster
The Hydrogen Industry Cluster (previously called 'Power-to-Gas' business cluster) was established as a result of the 'Power-to-gas' roadmap study. WaterstofNet is the initiator and coordinates the cluster operation.
More info about the 'Waterstof Industrie Cluster'

A first agreement signed between TotalEnergies and Air Products for the delivery of Green Hydrogen

Open season to import and deliver ammonia in the Port of Antwerp

First WIC Fair, organised by WaterstofNet at the OMC, well-received

Fluxys hydrogen appointed as “Hydrogen Network Operator” in Belgium