Roadmaps and studies WaterstofNet

Connection academic hydrogen expertise with industrial partners 


2021 - 2025

In 2021 the BE-HyFE 'Belgian Hydrogen Fundamental' project was launched in Ghent. The aim of the project is the creation of a Belgian network for academic hydrogen expertise, which can support the industry around technical and societal challenges related to their hydrogen developments.

This network is being built around 16 young researchers, active in the 12 participating Belgian knowledge institutions, who will all carry out doctoral research on a number of selected topics covering the entire hydrogen value chain. The researchers will also follow an intensive process of training, networking and team building.

Role of WaterstofNet

WaterstofNet and Cluster Tweed – the Walloon energy cluster organization – are also partners in the project, with the main task of linking academic research with the activities of their industrial partners.

The project runs over 4.5 years, is coordinated by Ghent University and is financed by the Energy Transition Fund of the Belgian federal government.

More information:


Within the BE-HyFE project, WaterstofNet and Cluster Tweed have created an interactive overview of all H2-related research carried out at Belgian research institutes, which can be found on the BHC website